(Too?) Busy Bee

Well, I did it to myself again. A weekend went by with no rest for the (wannabe) wicked and (literally) weary.

Friday, I went with the boys after work and split a pitcher of beer then went home to host my Euchre Tourney.

Saturday, I went in to work for a few hours then worked from home before leaving for a house concert at 5:30, getting home after midnight.

Sunday, I spent several hours planning our cruise stuff at the Babes' house before heading to Avondale (30ish mile drive) for dinner, getting home after 9 PM.

Today, full day at work followed by shopping trips to Wally World and Home Depot then Book Club, getting home after 9 PM again.

I don't know why I keep doing this to myself. In theory, a relaxing day on the weekend sounds great and, on every Monday, I think I'm going to be able to have one that coming weekend. By Friday, however, the calendar is chock full and I end up being at home just long enough to sleep, shower and feed George (if he's lucky).

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