Small World

I was in a meeting this morning to discuss a new venture we have here at work. There was lots of blah, blah, blahing about what it will take to set it all up. One of the issues is opening a new merchant account with our credit card provider. One guy in the room isn’t getting along with our credit card people at the moment so he suggested I call them to set it up.

“You call, Kathy, they like you.”

To which I replied:

“Everyone likes me…until they date me.”

It busted up the whole room then we went on with our meeting. There were questions that we couldn’t answer without the input from this distribution company we’re going to use so the meeting facilitator called them up and put the phone on speaker.

“The VP is out to lunch but the President of the company is going to join us as soon as he gets off the phone. His name is Chris (last name not listed here to protect the innocent).”

Dang my honesty, quick tongue and slow brain! I said:

“I know him. Actually I used to date him.”

The room busted up again, even louder than before. My face turned red mostly due to wishing I had just left the comment at “I know him”.

Chris and I get along just fine so we got through the conference call without any issues. Afterwards, I took a rash of shit about only dating CEOs and my dating frequency.

I’m so glad I was a source of amusement for them.

This may be a sign that I need to move so these small world moments stop happening to me. Problem is, I can’t figure out what state I can go to where I don’t know anyone nor have made a fool of myself in.

California? Nope. Nevada? No way. Florida? Hell no, I’m infamous there! Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, Wisconsin, Ohio, Illinois, Wyoming…all out. I think Oregon may be OK. I better get me a rain slicker, though.

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