Not Done Yet

I'm still unpacking. I know, you're surprised.

Oh, not surprised that I have unpacking to do. Surprised that I'm actually doing it.

I gave myself a real deadline this time. I have seven people coming over for a Euchre tournament on the 20th so I need all my ducks in a row by then.

That also means Grandpa and Sugar Daddy both need to come over and finish some stuff up before then. Grandpa will be easy to get. Sugar Daddy, not so much.

Gotta tell you, my IKEA furniture is awesome! The shelves are really deep so I can do two layers of movies and DVDs and my CDs just fit on three shelves on the TV table.

Of course, it's killing my OCD that I just threw the CDs in there. I'm pretty sure I'll have to organize them soon (by category then alphabetically by artist). It is really a sickness.

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