New Sheep To Fleece

I can’t decide if this is going to be entertaining or aggravating.

I got an evite from one of my book club buds for a Girls Poker Night. They only do a $5 buy in so I’m not expecting high caliber play here, which is probably a good thing.

Since it only said “Poker” and not a specific game, I asked Andrea what game they play. This is pretty much how our conversation went…

K: So, what game do you play? Is it dealer’s choice?

A: We only play one game. Um, five card…stud?…draw?

K: Do you limit the betting increments?

A: blank stare

K: Do the bets go nickel, dime, quarter?

A: We give Ellen $5 and she just gives us chips.

K: (puzzled look) So there’s no limit on betting? At any time you can just go all in?

A: Exactly.

K: Okaaaaaay. Are you sure you’re playing five card?

A: Yes, there are five cards on the table.

K: Are you sure it isn’t like this? You get two cards, bet, then turn up three cards, bet, then turn up one card, bet, then turn up the final card and bet?

A: Yes, that’s what we play!

K: That would be Texas Hold ‘Em.

So, I think I’m going to find a group of neophytes who have no idea what they’re doing. As long as someone doesn’t call Clubs Puppy Feet and Spades Shovels, I think I’ll be patient.

They’ll probably end up all getting good cards and I’ll be the first one out. Maybe, I should start practicing my Phil Hellmuth tirade now.

“Poker? These people can’t even spell Poker!”

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