I Should Have Thought Of That

My PDA went on the fritz. All it would do is display the Palm logo and it wouldn't turn off. I was looking at it Friday and wanted to take it apart to see if the button was stuck but it requires a weird, tiny hex screwdriver to open it which I didn't have. So, I took the batteries out and left it for today.

This afternoon, I took it into Sugar Daddy's office to ask him if he had the right screwdriver. He's a true geek who works on his own machines so I thought it was likely. He made me describe the problem, told me I was just doing something wrong and made me go get the batteries.

He put the batteries in and damn if that thing didn't start working right. I was swearing up and down it hadn't been and he was like "Yeah, whatever, you're just a dumb girl who can't use electronics."

Finally, he 'fessed up. While I was out of the office, he banged the PDA on his desk. Apparently, it loosened up whatever was stuck.

I could have done that...damn technology.

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