I Jinxed Myself

Shorty is always on me with the guilt trips to come see them and I usually give in eventually. He called me last night to invite me over for dinner tonight and I said yes. He got off easy that time as I didn't even give him the "I just saw you a week ago, isn't that enough?" speech.

We had a nice dinner and Spartacus took a lovely nap on my lap when I decided to hit the road about 8. As I was walking out the door, I said, "Don't expect to see me any time soon." I'm a smart alec that way.

I got into my car and, frack me, it wouldn't start! Clearly, I brought this upon myself.

I should be more accurate. It started, I put it in reverse, it clunked then it died. I restarted it and tried to rev the engine and it died. I tried one last time and it dimmed the lights while it was dying. I managed to coast it into the other side of the driveway and freed up my Mom's van.

After digging through all of my paperwork (twice because I missed it the first time), I found Hyundai's 24 Hour Roadside Assistance number and called them up. The woman was really nice and they have a special feature where they ask you if you're in a safe place, and if you don't specifically say "Yes", they call the authorities for you. They're going to tow it to the dealer tomorrow morning.

I'm trying to put a positive spin on it all.

Negative: I have to get my car towed.
Positive: It's covered under Hyundai's standard warranty so it won't cost me a dime.

Negative: My car died.
Positive: At least it died at my parents and not somewhere on the outskirts of the valley while I was off gallivanting around.

Negative: Car repairs are expensive.
Possible Positive: Not only am I still under Hyundai's warranty, I also bought the extended one that they told me covered everything up to, I think, a fly taking a crap on your car, so I may not go broke on this.

Negative: I had to borrow a vehicle.
Positive: My Mom doesn't need to be anywhere until Friday so I can keep it for several days.

Negative: The vehicle is a mini van whose infinite uncool factor is matched only by its number of blind spots.
Positive: Trying to find one there...OK, I didn't have to pay for a rental.

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