Cruiser Bio

About two dozen of us are going on a cruise in March that's been set up by the Atlanta PHC. There will be over 400 Parrot Heads from all over on the ship (good thing it's Carnival and they're used to crazy/drunk/immature people). The planners set up a Yahoo Group for messages and asked everyone to post their bios. I've been scanning them all and, so far, no single guys under 30. Sigh.

Here's what I posted:

Nicknames: Mrs. Robinson
Age (optional): I've blocked it out...actually, I think there was aclerical error on my birth certificate by at least 10 years.
Parrothead Club (if any): Arizona Parrot Head Club
Where do you live: Tempe, AZ
Where did you move there from? Chandler, AZ
Where were you Born? Milwaukee, WI. I have a natural affinity for Miller products.
What do you do for a living? Database Administrator
What you like to be doing for a living? Published author.
Single, married, or involved: Single
Roommates on the cruise: The O'Malley Babes
Any other travel companions on the cruise? Lots of folks from Arizona and Southern Cal.
Favorite Buffett tune: Pascagoula Run (...bring that young man over here...)
First cruise? Nope.
First Parrothead cruise? First with Atlanta.
What are you looking forward to on this trip? Visiting ports I've not been to before and meeting as many new Parrot Head friends as possible.
Favorite boat drink: Pretty much a Miller Lite girl all the way.
Hobbies or interests: Reading, NASCAR, football, catching independent music shows, filling all waking time with Parrot Head activities.
Tidbits about yourself: My nickname is well deserved so if you find any young men between 21 and 25, lock them up. And, I'll buy your drinks if you give me the key. ;-)
And for you veteran cruisers -Helpful hint for first timers: How many times can someone say "packlightly"? An expandable suitcase is helpful to bring back any treasures you may find.
Favorite Parrothead cruise memory: Drinking "Junior", a member's 21year old son, under the table after he bragged about how much liquor he could hold. That happened on one of the Arizona PHC Cruises.

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