It's A Fast Paced Game

Last night my Parents, God-Parents, Aunt, The Goat, The Jello Shot Queen and her Dad, Ray (my favorite Valentine), came over for a Euchre Tournament. Most people hear the work Euchre and think of that Bob guy from the Miller Lite commercials of yore. It's actually a card game that's heavily playing in the Mid-West, especially Wisconsin and Ohio. Chances are if someone knows how to play, they're either from there or know someone who is and who taught them the game.

Everyone was complimentary about the new place and either didn't notice the poorly painted vent covers or was too nice to say anything about them. I over bought on snacks and booze but booze doesn't spoil so that's no biggie.

We played two tournament rounds and Ray came out as the big winner both times. It was not surprising as he's an excellent card player. Heck, I've seen him carry the Goat for an entire evening as his partner and still win.

There was lots of heckling as the majority of us are pretty competitive and I got to say the Goat's favorite line, "It's a fast paced game" to him for a change as he was dawdling. Speed is of the essence in tournament play but the Goat's brain starts shutting down after several beers.

Good times, good times.

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