Creativity Fuel

We have an employee run recognition program at work and I'm the committee facilitator. We pick the employee of the year and announce it in a big presentation. We've done live performances, made several movies and last year even hired an outside film company to produce it.

Every year, the pressure is the same. Make it better than last year's. And by better, it needs to be funnier.

I don't know how much more I can do. I was talking the the VP of HR this afternoon and she said "You always worry and it's always great." I told her, "The well is going to run dry someday."

But, it ain't dry tonight. We needed to do some narration work and one of the team members suggested an after hours gig with some 'liquid inspiration'. Another suggested gathering at my place since I'm so close to work and I thought that was a swell plan.

So, four of us met up at my place, went through more than a twelver (probably close to 18) and some Margaritas (which I'm finishing up as I type - no alcohol abuse in this house) while we laid down an hour of audio.

Whether it's funny or not remains to be seen. As the alcohol consumption increases, things just seem so fracking funny. Once sobriety returns, not so much.

I'll be spending the next few days creating an iMovie for our presentation which will be shown at a company wide breakfast on the 21st. Please, oh please, let it be funny!

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