I Didn't Get The Logic

Steven called me tonight to ask me for a favor. Due to a series of events, the key of which is that my Mom had both of her eyes dilated today, Shorty was at home but his truck was at work. He called Steven to drive him up to Wally World but Steven called me instead.

S: "How'd you like to do me a favor and take Shorty to Wal-Mart?"

K: "Why do I need to do that?"

S: "Because I'm almost home."

K: "And you live, what three miles from me? So it's more convenient for me to get off the couch, leave my house and jump in my car than for you to make a U-Turn?"

That just didn't make sense to me at all and I told him so. He then went with a follow up pity attempt that was something about him working 14 hours today. I didn't give in to that, either

I did, however, go pick up Shorty. Not for Steven, but for Shorty. It's the least I could do since I had their van for two days. I didn't realize that I had to give a ride to Robocop, too. He was just an added bonus...if you look at it that way.

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