Getting More Technophobic By The Day

In case you were wondering where I've been the past few days, let me tell you my sad story of battling with computers. Have I mentioned lately how much I don't like them?

I needed to get our employee of the year presentation done in time for the company breakfast yesterday. I admit I let it go until quite late to start but I was all set to spend a big chunk of time on it last week. Enter Steven and his dislocated ankle into the picture and all of my plans went to hell.

I wasn't able to really start working on it until Friday. Our Mac Tech set up an old G4 for me and I started loading the audio into iMovie. For those that don't know iMovie, it's an Apple software that lets you edit video, add sound effects, etc. I've used it for these presentations before and, by the end, I am so frustrated that I vow to never do it again. Of course, since it's free and no one else wants to do it, I end up back in front of the computer with the same frustrations.

Things were going well until I tried to play back a bit of the audio from the machine at some point in the afternoon.

Click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click......

That's all I heard. We had a mad scramble to get a new machine for the weekend and ended up borrowing a Mac mini out of one of the conference rooms. We transferred my project over and I took it all home to work over the weekend.

Saturday was good. I spent 6 hours getting all of the audio loaded and organized then decided to take a break until Sunday.

Sunday morning at 10 AM, I sat back down and started trimming the audio and loading the video portion. I did take a little break to watch the last 5 laps at Daytona but, for the most part, I worked non-stop until 10:30 that night.

The last few hours were excruciating! I hit the wall on the processor so everything was a crawl. And, since I'm button pushing happy, if something didn't respond right away I hit the button again.

I carted all of the equipment back in on Monday and we ended up transferring everything to someone's new iBook (could have been a PowerBook, I was beyond caring as long as it worked).

8 hours later, the presentation was done, converted to Quick Time and handed off.

We showed it at the breakfast, and since it was in Quick Time, it was too small for the people in the back of the room to see which is a bummer.

But, it's done and it only took three different computers to get it there. And, a lot of swearing.

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