I Really Can't Help It That I'm Spoiled...

...it just happens naturally to me!

One of our nights on the cruise next month is a designated toga evening. I've had the following on my mental to-do list for a while now:

1. Buy toga pattern.
2. Buy appropriate parrot head material for said toga.
3. Go to my parents' and use Mom's sewing machine to make said toga.

It probably comes as no surprise to find that I don't own a sewing machine. However, I do know how to sew. Those Home Ec classes stick with you.

But, I don't have to do any of that now, thanks to my cruisemates, the O'Malley Babes.

I got an email yesterday morning that said, "Call us if you're online." So, I did and Kathy O. answered the phone. The conversation went something like this:

KO: We were wondering if you're making a toga.
KP: I kinda think I have to.
KO: I think you do, too. We bought a pattern and some material and we're working on ours now. If you want us to, we can make yours.
KP: I am totally OK with that!

Are they awesome, or what? Did they expect me to say, "Oh no, I really want to make my own toga because I'm all about the domestic work."? They know better.

Kathy's also working on our door decorations so no work for me there, either. There's a big contest for who's got the best door decs and they want everyone to at least do something on their door. If it were up to me, we'd be lucky to get a simple 8 1/2 X 11 sign off my printer.

It's good to be the Princess.

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