Well, That Wasn't So Super

At least the game was interesting for a while. But, the Seahawks couldn't overcome the Steelers D, some bad calls and their own poor clock management. Once the Steelers offense calmed down, they were good and the Hawks were not good enough.

Now, on to what most people in the US were watching. The commercials. Yawn. I only chuckled out loud at two of them. The streaker in the Budweiser commercial and the swap out of Diet Coke as the stunt double for Diet Pepsi. But I only laughed at the latter because of Jackie Chan. Otherwise, I thought the Diet Pepsi commercials were dumb.

Halftime show. An even bigger yawn. The sound was terrible, the performance was boring and Mick Jagger looks like he's actually been dead for several years now. Honestly, they could use him, sans makeup, in a horror flick as the guy they dig up years later who comes back to life. The show actually got me to open the laptop and start surfing while it was on.

Oh well, football season is now over (no watching the Pro Bowl for me). NASCAR starts this Saturday so I'll soon be consumed with that. Go Johnson!

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