Phoenix Is Still A Small Town

I know I keep saying ad nauseum that I can't go anywhere in the Valley without running into someone I know. But, it's true and it doesn't just happen to me.

Last night, AZPHC had its annual gathering at Phoenix Greyhound Park. It was really a nice evening and we raised $400 for Adopt A Greyhound which is way cool.

As I was checking people in, one of the members that we don't see very often asked me, "Kathy, were you at the grocery store this morning?" I told her I was indeed at Safeway and she told her husband, "I knew that was Kathy. We saw you but didn't say anything." I told her that was OK as I didn't see her. She then told me that I did look at her and that's when I recalled seeing her Effing Dale JR. shirt at the store and thinking, "Ugh, not another Junior fan."

Turns out they live pretty close to me. That was only "small world" incident number one, though.

The O'Malley Babes got to the track and saw a guy in a Hawaiian shirt. They assumed he was with us but when he turned around they realized it was the brother of a friend of ours from way back. He just happened to be at the Park. That was incident number two.

As I was posing for pictures with the Babe (for our cruise ship door decorations), I felt someone looking at us. I turned around and saw the parents of one of Steven's friends, RJ. RJ and Steven met in pre-school daycare so they go way back. We had a nice little chat.

That was the final incident...until I run into someone who will ask me, "Hey, weren't you at the dog track a while back?"

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