It's A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

What a perfect day for the FBR Open.

Doona and I hit the Open around noon today. The sun was shining (it got to 80 degrees), the beer and food were free (thanks to her Corporate tickets from Fort McDowell Casino) and the only PGA golfer we saw was Phil Mickelson but we were less than 10 feet away from him.

It was just happenstance that we saw him. As we were walking over to the corporate area, they blocked off the walkway for some of the players. Someone asked who was coming through and the guy said Mickelson so we lingered to see him. He smiled at the crowd but looked a little warm.

Can't say that I blame him for that, it was unseasonably toasty out there. I even debated wearing shorts but I decided the world shouldn't be punished by my whiter than white bread, whiter than snow, whiter than Pat Boone's shoes skin so I went with jeans, tennies and a Hawaiian shirt.

Once we got to the Open, I saw that I picked the wrong outfit. I must have missed the memo that said to wear a tight, sleeveless, black shirt that perfectly displays silicone breastsesses. There's more silicone at the Open than in all of the beaches of Hawaii. At least it looked that way. Even the women get into the 'check those out' game.

We sat out on the patio, ate too much, enjoyed several Miller Lites and did a lot of chatting while apparently somewhere around us was a golf event. We couldn't have cared much less about it. The day was just an excuse to hang in the sun and people watch and we managed that with great success.

Afterwards, we adjourned to a great place in Tempe called Casey Moore's for some more beer and food that's bad for us (chicken fingers and potato skins - so yummy, so loaded in fat).

All in all, a perfect day!

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