Painful Procrastination

I asked Steven at the end of last week how his pain med supply was. I knew the prescription wasn't refillable and I was worried about him running out. He told me he had 13 left and that he was tapering off on taking them. The original instructions said to take one or two every four hours so I did some quick math and figured, even at a lower rate of consumption, he was going to run out during the weekend.

I suggested he call the Doctor and ask for a new prescription so he didn't run out.

As he does with nearly every sensible suggestion his Mother gives him, he blew it off.

He ran out on Sunday and tried to call on Monday. Oops, apparently his Doctor's office isn't open on President's Day. He called again on Tuesday and his Doctor was in surgery all day but he did call it in at some point. Unfortunately, the pharmacy didn't call Steven so, even though it was filled on Tuesday night, he didn't get it until Wednesday.

He spent several days trying to not move at all and taking lots of Tylenol. Sure, I feel sorry for him. But, do I think he's his own worst enemy? Absolutely!

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