Book Review - The Historian

The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova was touted as being the next DaVinci Code. I bought it for Shorty for Christmas last year but I doubt he got through it as I struggled with it a bit.

The story is the search for Dracula and it switches between three generations of historians and their search for the evil, powerful, undead one. I'm really into the vampire thing and there were some creepy parts to this book. I think, however, it was just too long to sustain any long term fear. It goes 79 chapters and 641 pages in hardback. If it were a Harry Potter book, 641 pages wouldn't be enough. Here, it was way too much.

I was willing to put in the time but the payout was disappointing. It was like a Stephen King book - King writes 700 pages of story then tries to wrap it all up in the last 5. Leaves a lot of holes and makes the reader wonder if it was all worth it.

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