Cute guys to the left of me, cute guys to the right of me...

I have lots of friends who've met their significant others at work. Heck, I've even dated a few co-workers in my time (usually with disastrous results). But, there have been no possibilities at my current place of employment for years. There's only one (available) guy that I've drooled over but I don't know him well and I'm keeping it that way so the dream isn't spoiled.

Sure, there are several unavailable guys whom I would jump on the second they became available. Of course, my attraction to them might be completely due to the fact that they are unavailable and I'll never have to deal with the reality of dating them.

Lately, however, the times, they are a'changing. We've gotten two new employees, both young (but just in my preferred age range), good looking and seemingly intelligent.

It's downright distracting, I tell you! It isn't easy to stay productive when a tasty morsel cruises by and sends my thoughts into naughty land.

Clearly, I need a date, in a bad way. And, not with anyone from work.

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