Mo' Movies

I've clearly been spending a lot of couch time lately.

Shark Tale: Eh.

War of the Worlds: I thought I was getting the Tom Cruise version but it was the one from 1953. It was hard to take it seriously since the hero and heroine spent most of the movie wearing their Square Dance clothes. Honestly, it was a pretty good flick for its time and was probably really creepy back then.

In Good Company: I wasn't expecting a lot from this one but ended up pleasantly surprised. The previews made it look like it was all comedy but it was actually a rather sweet story about personal growth and a lesson on corporate greed. Topher Grace and Dennis Quaid were excellent. I think Topher's going to make quite a successful jump to the big screen. I also liked Scarlett Johansson's acting job but I don't get the whole "she's a hottie" thing.

The Cooler: Man, I dig William H. Macy. He is one of my absolute favorites and he was great in this flick. It was one sick story but well worth watching. Alec Baldwin held himself back from chewing up too much of the scenery for a change and did a good job at playing the casino boss stuck in the past. I can't look at Ron Livingston in any role without thinking "Did you get the memo?"

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