Is Anyone Actually Working This Week?

Man, it's been dead at work. We had the option of taking either the Friday before or the Monday after each holiday. I worked last Friday and about half of the department was gone. Monday, only four people were there and they ended up going out for breakfast to kill some time and yesterday and today we had nine in our area.

Let me tell you, the day really drags when there's no one around to break up the sometime monotony. Unfortunately, we had some minor crises to work on so I was kept busy with them. I guess I should have said "fortunately" because I don't have a lot else to work on since all of the players are out of the office for the week.

I imagine this Friday is going to be slow as well. I'm taking Monday off which I may regret since it's the first day of the fiscal year which pretty much guarantees I'll get called with some problem from year-end processing.

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