Life Is Different In A College Town

I knew living near ASU was going to be different than living in the burbs. Going to the grocery store is a completely different experience here. Out in BFE, the store was filled with family folks, towing their whining children and overflowing their carts with bulk items. Not so in Tempe.

I went to the Safeway on Baseline and Rural Friday night. The first thing I noticed was how young everyone was. There were a couple of older people (and I mean 60s or 70s) but everyone else looked to be in their early 20s. The next thing that popped out was that almost everyone was part of a couple and holding hands. It's been a long time since I was an Undergrad and I'd forgotten just how much, and how easily, people hooked up. Finally, the grocery selection was completely different that I was used to. While I was stocking up for the week, they were picking up one or two items to make just one meal, or they were buying stuff for a party. There didn't seem to be any other purchases made.

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