Chick Poker

We played our trying-to-be-monthly Chick Poker game last Saturday.

I felt like Jen Harman out there. Now, if I could only get the hot, Italian husband...

This was the first time that I felt like I successfully played the players, not the cards. We play limit poker so it's really hard to bluff people out of the pot when they only have to throw $.25 in to stay in (we buy in at $20 for the night). So, you almost have to get good cards to win big. I was fortunate enough to have good cards, enough to make it look like I was playing tight though I didn't always.

We have your standard group of players. There's the one who stays in on every hand regardless of her cards. There's the tight player who knows the game pretty well. There's the wild card who changes gear often and plays tight for a while then starts going in on a whim. There's the tentative beginner who can play good hands well, but gets scared out with medium hands. There's the uber-competitive player who wants to take all of the money on the table. The latter would be me, in our case. We also had a true beginner with us that night, too.

I actually played the hands out differently depending on whom I was up against. It was really fun! By the end of the night, Stacey (our loose player) had gone through her $20, $7 of Chris', $7 of Angela's and $6 or $7 of Analise's. Analise (I'm probably not spelling that right) was our beginner and did pretty well. She walked away from the table with some of her money left. Chris, the gear changer, came away with over $50 and I ended up with almost $80. Angela had bought in another $20 so we had $140 in the pot and I had over half. Buwahahah.

Of course, next time we play I'll probably be overconfident and will lose my shirt but I'm going to bask in my winnings for a while.

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