Just My Luck

The Arizona Parrot Head Club has been volunteering to work the Bunker Golf Tournaments for a while now. Each tourney benefits a different charity which is way cool. I've worked almost all of them and played in a few. Mostly for altruistic reasons but with the added potential bonus of meeting up with some cute boys with disposable income who like to golf and support charities.

At first, we worked the "Use the Pro's Shot" hole then moved on to the "Buy a Birdie" hole. That was OK, except for one major issue. Since the guys were driving, they had gloves on their left (hello! Married ring finger, very important) hand so I couldn't tell who was available. There's no sense in wasting flirtation time with unavailable guys so I pretty much didn't work any of them. (I know, a ring isn't a 100% indicator of availability but it does weed out a good portion of the population.)

We finally moved in to doing registration which was great because I got to see the all important ring finger early in the day. Unfortunately, there were no single and cute boys to flirt with for several tournaments.

Until last Saturday where there were actually two potential victims, I mean candidates, in the event. One of them was exceptionally good looking and playing with his Dad. I immediately saw us bonding over our respective Fathers.

Of course, this had to be the day that I had to leave as soon as golf was over to head to another event. There was no time for the after-party where I could charm the boys while they were having post-golf cocktails (believe me, I am so much I more charming when they are drinking).


I guess I can console myself with the knowledge that, even though I didn't score, we did raise a bunch of money for Toys for Tots.

And, hopefully, the cute boys will be at next month's tourney.

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