Deja Vu

One of the main reasons I moved out of my last, rented, condo into Sugar Daddy's was my upstairs neighbors. I'd been there a couple of years and never had a problem. Then, some new people moved in and they were, well, really, really loud. All of the time, day or night.

The guy seemed to work second shift because he would take a shower every night around midnight...and sing while he was doing it. Since he was in the master bath right above mine, I heard it all. From the sounds, I think they worked out on some apparatus which sounded like they were just dropping bowling balls and letting them bounce on the floor. The last straw, however, was the 2 AM sex. Every night. Right above me. Bed squeaking and knocking against the wall, moaning, the whole shebang. Thank goodness he didn't seem to last very long but it woke me up every time. Not only was I bitter that someone was getting lovin' and I wasn't, I was literally losing sleep over it.

So, one of the criteria for my new place was no upstairs or downstairs neighbors. I got that here. The units are 4 plexes and I share a common wall in the kitchen and bath with one neighbor and the other side of the bath and my room with a second. When I did the walk through, the seller was there to fill me in on everything. He said two of my neighbors are grownup women and the other unit had two college students who used to be loud but quieted down after he called the cops on them several times last year.

I've been pleasantly surprised at how quiet it is here. I do hear the occasional train whistle but that's about it. Grandpa even commented about the silence when he left the other night.

Of course, it couldn't last.

At 2:45 AM this morning, one of the college students decided to play his electric guitar (or maybe bass). It woke me up but I figured I could ignore it and get back to sleep. But, then they started yelling at each other. I don't know if they were arguing or if they just had to yell to be heard over the music but it was too much to sleep through.

I was pretty groggy and considered calling the cops. But, I really didn't want our first interaction to be me instigating Tempe's finest knocking on their door. I do have to live with these people until they graduate. (God, I hope they're not planning on getting Doctorates!) So, I grabbed my pillow and headed to the living room. Good news is that my new couch (purchased by Sugar Daddy, a fact I have to mention often since he thinks I don't give him enough positive space here) is plenty wide and long enough to comfortably sleep on.

I'm hoping to see one of the neighbors tonight so I can politely ask that they cut the noise down. Otherwise, I'm going to have to go knocking on their door.

Hi, I'm your new neighbor. Love your music, STFU while I'm sleeping please.

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