Book Review - Crucial Conversations

Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes are High Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes are High by Kerry Patterson

My review

rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was the book our managers' group at work chose to read and discuss. We took three months to get through it and some folks actually still didn't finish it. I'm not sure why they didn't because it was a great book.

There are a lot of strategies on how to respond, not react, to difficult conversations and keep emotions out of the mix in the book. Also, a lot of tips on how to make conversations safe and productive for both parties.

I led the discussion of the final four chapters and gave everyone homework. The homework was to tell us about a time where they either used the techniques from the book in a conversation or wished that they had.

There were some great examples. One that I used was about one of my co-workers getting ticked off at something his boss said. I suggested he go back to the boss, say "This is what I heard you say and how I interpreted it and I'm unhappy with that." He did and the boss said, "That's not what I meant." So, happy ending and no more ticked off co-worker.

You can apply the book's lessons to work, home and friendships. I highly recommend you check it out - it will be helpful in your relationships.

View all my reviews.

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