I Found Her Achilles Heel

It's taken 3 months but I've found something that actually cows the demon. I mean, puts her completely on the defensive, running away and cowering in the corner.

What was the secret weapon?

A three year old girl.

My friend Andrea brought her daughter over tonight to see and play with George. I asked The Rocket Scientist to come over, too, as he's a calming influence on George. (I aldo made him dinner. What can I say? I'm a giver.) He really wasn't needed.

George was quite shy at first. Not shy enough to go hide under the bed but shy enough to stay at the edge of the room and watch the action. Andrea and McKenna tried to entice her over with George's feathers on the end of a stick toy and that worked to a point. George would jump at it but wouldn't get within touching distance.

She did go for the food, though. I gave them some treats to feed her out of their hands and she went for those. As soon as those were done, she was back to the edge. McKenna tried to play by throwing her some toys. In three year old fashion, though, she threw them right at George instead of near her so there was more flinching than playing.

At one point, George walked near enough for TRS to grab her. She let him pet and scratch her but her tail was between her legs and she really just wanted down. That's very unlike her with TRS.

McKenna chased her down the hall and also into the corner by the fireplace. For the first time ever, I saw George actually hiss at a person. While clearly intrigued by the little person, she wasn't sure what to do with her.

After they left, she was back to demon mode. She was on the table and the counter while I was making the salad. Then, while we were eating, she jumped repeatedly on the counter and nosed her way into the leftover salad fixings. Again and again.

I finally put a halt to that by locking her in my room while we finished dinner. I let her out once we were done and she complained as soon as she got out the door. I told her, "Don't be yelling at me, you were the one not behaving."

TRS gave her two minutes before she was in trouble again. It took about 2 and 1/2 before she was back on the table while I was in the middle of clearing it.

I need McKenna to move in with me for a while.

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