True Blood

I've checked out the first two episodes of the new HBO show, True Blood. I had high hopes for the show because it's based on a series of books that I read and it's by the guy who did Six Feet Under.

OK, high hopes are extinguished and I now have moderate hopes that it will be a good series.

There are several things going for it. The casting in some cases is perfect. The dude playing Jason couldn't be better. He's got the white trash, sex obsessed loser thing down pat. Sam, Arlene, Andy and the Grandma all seem to be excellent matches between actor and role. Anna Paquin is going to take some getting used to as Sookie mostly because I keep thinking Anna Paquin looks weird as a blond.

The sex is pretty good, too. It is HBO so I expected explicit but this is, well, something. I expected to hear boom, chicka, wow, wow playing during the scenes.

It will be interesting to watch and see how closely they follow the books. There are many of them so they'll have plot fodder for several seasons.

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