More Bad Kitty

I was quietly reading my paper this morning when George started running in and out of my room while giving out her "Timmy's fallen down the well!" cry. I had a good idea what she was trying to tell me so I got up and went into her room.

It was as I suspected, she'd dumped her water for the gazillionth time. I still can't believe that the vet said she was nicely hydrated since her water bottle and bowl spend more time glugging on to the carpet than serving as a dispenser.

I refilled it, set it back into its upright position and went back to bed to finish my paper. Not two minutes later, I heard a thud and got up to investigate.

It was dumped over again. I pushed it into the corner in the vain hope that she'll leave it upright for the day. Clearly, some reengineering needs to be done. My sternly worded lectures haven't had any effect.

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