Well, That Was A First

After a year of hanging out, The Rocket Scientist and I did something for the first time tonight that neither of us had done in a while. As a matter of fact, it's been so long that I'm pretty sure I'm going to be sore tomorrow.

As with most first times, it was a bit awkward and we weren't very good. Fortunately, there was alcohol involved to loosen us up a bit. Despite the fact that I've been at it longer than he has, he ended up being better than I. Of course. That's so him.

There wasn't a lot of talking. Mostly words spoken softly and under our breath. I can recall a few phrases. "That was sweet." "I'm just frakked." There was one memorable exchange, too. "Will you just put it in?" followed by "I'm trying!!"

At one point, I was ready to call it a night but he wasn't content to stop without a happy ending for him so we went one last round. Fortunately, he got what he wanted on that one because I was tired of being the giver that I generally am in that situation.

As soon as I get rested up, I'm going to be ready to go again. We just need to find somewhere cheaper to do it. It cost us $17 to play pool at the Mill Avenue Cue Club. That's a bit pricy.

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