We Now Interrupt Your Regularly Scheduled Sleeping

I did my best to tire George out last night and I told her right before I turned out the light, "Mommy would really like to sleep through the night, OK?" She didn't even chirp back at me so I was hopeful.

12:30 this morning, I woke up to a strange noise. It sounded like someone was banging against something. I mentally wrote it off to a one time thing and tried to go back to sleep. However, the noise continued several more times.

I called George but she didn't come which led me to believe she was causing the noise. She doesn't come when she knows she's in trouble. So, I got up to find her and walked out to the living room and called her again. Still no sign of her. The thought crossed my mind that maybe she'd gotten stuck in the chimney and the banging was from her trying to get out.

Finally, I turned on the light and she then showed herself. She'd been behind the blinds at the patio door. I had an "Aha!" moment when I figured out the banging noise was a combination of George going after the glass door while pushing aside the blinds.

That's when I noticed that the back patio light was on. It's on a motion sensor so that meant either someone was back there or it was windy. It wasn't a windy night, though.

I picked George up and gingerly tip-toed to the door to peek out between two blinds. The whole time I was praying, "Please don't let there be anyone on my patio."

Of course, there was.

It was Batman.

Batman was named by The Rocket Scientist and he (or she) is one of my neighbor's Tuxedo cats. The black on his face is a perfectly drawn mask and he does look just like Batman.

George was quite content to let Mommy stare down the intruder while Batman just gave me a look like, "OK, I'll stop picking on your kid, jeez" and jumped over the fence.

Home invasion over, we headed back to bad. I was hoping the abnormal break in the night meant we could sleep in this morning. No such luck as I got the 4 AM wakeup call. We were pretty tired, though, so we had a final morning nap from 7:45 to 8:15. Well, it was my final morning nap. George will probably get two or three more in before lunchtime.

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